The yarn was from a batch which was rescued from being thrown away about a year ago. Using the yarns in that batch I dyed to my hearts content, playing with all kinds of dyes and colours :D I wanted to share this with you guys so i am now going to be giving away one skein a month!
This particular skein is 1 of 2 I called "Pear Drop", as it reminded me of the sweets of the same name! Theres over 72 meters of this 50% wool, 50% nylon blend which will knit up nicely on 4.5mm to 5.5 mm needles or alternatively a 5-6mm hook!
All you need to do is comment on this post for a chance to win :) On the 8th June, i'll use a random number generator to pick a comment and the author of the comment will win! Huzzah! :D And please, only comment once!
I remember pear drops. :D I've been keeping one eye on your lovely hand-dyed yarns, Ms. Tea, with interest - I like the grey one. I haven't commented on the prices because I mostly buy sock yarn, and I reckon £10 for a 100g skein is the going rate but unfortunately I don't know if that's the case for others. I think the best thing is to assess how much it costs you to make it, in time and effort and materials, and charge accordingly. A fair price is a very important thing, and you need to value your abilities too. :) I hope that helps!
On a vaguely similar note, I have given away some of your business cards! To people on Bookcrossing, bookmooch and eBay so far. :) I thought it'd do you some good to get them circulating in areas they wouldn't normally get to, but it wasn't deliberate - that's just what I've posted so far!
Good luck, and I look forward to telling everyone about your sexy hand-dyed yarn when it's your stop on the train!
Ooo what pretty coloured yarn! Great job! Pear drops, licorice and pineapple chunks used to be my favourite sweets as a kid. Mmmmmm yummy!
This is really beautiful yarn! I just discovered you through Lottie :) Now I'm off for an explore around your blog x
I love it, and it reminds me of another sweet - fruit salads - remember those?! i loved them too. :)
Giving away one skein a month?!?!?!?! Did I read that right??? That's AWESOME!!!
I love that yarn!! So bright and colorful!!! :)
That yarn is beautiful, the colours remind me of a pretty sunset. My dad used to buy pear drops to eat in the car when we were little :-) Love your blog.
Amy x
Claire is right - it *is* like fruit salads! :)
those colours are great!! thanks for running the give away!
gosh thats so pretty - what shall I DO WITH IT? Knit - or use it as fibres on a card - oh, oh, french knitting and tassels!
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