Sunday, May 25

Bad Blogger

Time to step it up a gear. I am terrible at the moment. I think the lack of posts is to do with my lack of creativity.


There has been a spark at last!

This is all down to Yayster over on deviantArt. She came up with the most brilliant idea of the Twelve Months Of Deviousness and Mays project involved a secret santa type of thing :)
Anyway, it helped me to look outside of my boundaries and create something a little different.

More sparks:

WIP 2008-05-25

WIP 2008-05-25

WIP 2008-05-25

These are my current sneak peeks at some works in progress. I'm thinking of making a 'Sneek Peek WIP' post every week, to help drive me to post at least once a week :)

Oh yeah. I finally have some sort of job! Its only 12 hours at an arts and crafts store at minimum wage, but thats fine by me for now :)
...Still looking for full time work though.
Also looking at some local short courses to do over the summer. This will hopefully build up a nice portfolio.

Enough babbling.

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