As a knitter and crocheter myself, I love this shop! The reason I got into those crafts is because of people like Lynne making the most awesome hats ever. I love hats. They can show a persons personality through them, particularly the more zany ones :D

Although this particular one is for a child, my favourite hat in the shop is the pixie style ones. Fun and unconventional, you don't see many people wearing this style at all. I must confess that the main reason i like this style is because it reminds me of Link's hats he wears in the "Legend of Zelda" games. But then he is pixie like, so its all very fitting! If you like this hat but would like an adult sized one, just contact Lynne and i'm sure she can cook one up for you!

Did i mention yet that i like hats? This slouchy style is very much the in thing at the moment and i'm pretty sure that the style will continue through this winter too. This particular crochet example would look wonderful on a young lady. The colours would really warm up a cold day.

Hats and other accessories to keep you warm aren't the only items on offer at the Pirate Pixie Crew store. How about this hair tie with dreadlocks so you can have funky hair without the worry of loosing you job? Or for a bit of fun, or maybe a fancy dress party, this polka dot eye patch?

There is a great story behind the 'Pirate Pixie Crew" that will appeal to young and old! When you buy a hat, you get a membership card to certify that you are a part of the crew. Find out more about the captain and crew on the website and the in the Captains log! You can also become a fan of the crew on Facebook!
Lovely creations indeed! That slouchy style would suit me perfectly :)
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