What a super 10 weeks it has been! The
Coriandr Express riders are now promoting the last VIP (No prizes for guessing who that is ;)) and so I thought I would use my days to promote them back. Here are the first 10 from the Express:
Dig The Earth
Kev's shop is chock full of lovely, bold and colourful cards, each printed locally on recycled card and packed in biodegradable packaging too. Don't forget to check out his hand drawn mirrors!
Blue Fish Handmade
Izabela's shop is full of her own crocheted designs. They are so delicate and beautiful. Just what every lady needs!
Julie prints her own fabric and uses her own designs to make them into beautiful accessories.
Kitty Ballistic
I adore Helen's felt creations. Not only do they look amazing but she brings each one to life in her descriptions. Helen also makes wonderful jewellery!
Pirate Pixie Crew
Arrrgh me hearties! Buy a hat from Lynne and sign yourself up to join the Pirate Pixie Crew! Each of Lynne's accessories are either Crocheted or Knit by hand and are available for kids and adults alike!
Stacey-Ann makes super jazzy stationery ranging from gift tags to mini envelopes and also creates mini works of art using watercolours!
Nic's Knots
Nic's shop is a haven for those who can never have too many bags. From diddy bags for the kids, to knitting project bags and pouches, there's lots of choice and if you fancy something in a different fabric, Nic will happily accept custom orders!
Mrs Toad Designs
Catherine is a master at making pretty little brooches out of felt. She also designs and makes beaded jewellery!
Chaotic Fusions
Debbie makes the most amazing dichroic glass pendants. She makes them all in her own studio with her trusty kiln.
Mich and Olivas' shop brings you Furoshiki, the eco friendly way to wrap your gifts! No scissors, no tape just folding and knotting! These fabric squares can also be made in to an array of different bags!
Thanks for the mention! It's great to see everyone's work all lined up, I may 'borrow' *cough* your idea for my blog!
Great overview! I'm all lost in their shops already :)
@DigTheEarth - No thanks needed :D And I believe the original concept for this sort of post was by you on the Coriandr Blog, so by all means!!
@nini - Hehe, its a long post but thank you for looking and reading :D *Big hugs*
What a good idea! Thanks for including myfuroshiki. The Coriandr Express was intense but such fun - unfortunately I've sort of collapsed in a virtual heap since!
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