My partner is on holiday from work this week, so not much blogging i'm afraid! But thats not to say I haven't completed a few things!
I found some bargain yarn in a local superstore before the weekend. And i'm not talking about the usual 99p, 100% DK acrylic stuff. There is loads of Rowan Spray at 99p a ball... It usually retails at £7.95 a ball :o Best part is i love it. The unusual colours knit up beautifully into... well you'll see in a moment! I bought 12 balls of it already and depending on how the items i have made sell, i will definitely invest in some more of the stuff...
I may experiment with crocheting it, but im not sure it would do it the same justice as knitting it up does...
Anyways. I've just uploaded pictures of most of my older crafty projects on to Flickr and soon, I hope to properly write about some of them in the 'traditional archive' of this site, especially the ones that will go into my new Etsy shop. Talking of older projects...
This was completed.... about 3 weeks ago now i think. It was my first knitted garment and i am so proud of it. The yarn is Twilley's Freedom Spirit, shade 'Earth' and i am in love with the stuff. I have a book of the first patterns and there are a couple of other items i would like to make. I already made a Beret in 'Energy' :D
I've also got a pattern for a hooded cardigan XD

Obsessed, no?
So. How are the other projects going i hear you ask? Well, as you can see i got side tracked with the super awesome cool yarn. But i do miss knitting with smaller pins. I know larger ones knit quicker, but they don't 'glide' as well as smaller ones do. But heck i don't care. Chunky is awesome.
I'm now active again on deviantArt and as i said earlier, i have a new Etsy shop in the making.... which is linked in the sidebar but... theres nothing there yet >.>;
I'll keep you posted : D
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