Wednesday, March 10

Holy smokes! She posted something!

Well, its been a while, hasn’t it?

Apologies to everyone who follows and reads this blog. I am still making and in fact blogging, but have neglected The Crafty Tea Break for far too long.

Usually, this is where i’d type about what i’ve been doing and why I haven’t been blogging.

But i’m not going to do that.

Instead, i’m just going to post pictures and get right back to it!

Ps - Happy Belated 2010!

WIP KercheifButtons
Skinny Lace ScarfSkinny Lace Scarf


Greenpixey said...

Good to see you're back :)

Stacey-Ann said...

Hiya, welcome back! Those pics are an excellent way of stating what you've been up to. Those buttons are scrumptious and the scarf looks lovely and delicate and warm.

Looking forward to seeing more.

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