Saturday, March 21


I hate having to do stuff like this but sometimes its for the best.
Anyways, I wanted to announce that I am no longer trading on DaWanda.

The main reason is due to the fact I want to be able to evenly spread my stock across any online shops I trade through, so that buyers have a good choice where ever they decide to buy. I was mostly only selling supplies on there, so it makes sense as I had little to no interest shown in my own stock.

Supplies are still available through Etsy. I may or may not add some to Folksy - let me know if you're interested :)

More crafty related posts due next week... and still tweaking the business cards!! Thanks to everyone who has commented already :)


chainSHAW said...

you need a giant store for all your stuff. if i get rich i shall build you one. there will be a tomato in a tea cup the size of a small house sitting on top.

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