7th + 8th Feb: OMG it was so frigging hot in Rotorua. I swear it must have been 30 degrees or more. Unfortunately, we chose to go to Wai-O-Tapu on the 8th. You can't predict the weather, but to a Thermal Park on the hottest day isn't exactly good. But what the hell, it was bloody beautiful there :)

Here you can see 'Devils Bath'. Yes. Illuminous green :D So much brighter in real life. For the sciencey folks, its this colour due to the mineral elements Sulphur and Ferrous Salts. The next photo is of the Alum Cliffs with a 700 year old acid lake next to it.

I loved the mud pools. Probably due to the sound more than anything else. Yes, i am that childish but the random way the mud popped up was awesome. And the guyser behind me is Lady Knox! Its set off at 10am everyday witht he help of a few grams of soap :)
Erm. I don't have a lot to say about Whitianga. Nice little town. Pleasant surroundings. But I loved most of the Coromandel. Particularly walking on this beach:
9th: Headed towards Lake Taupo today and on the way, stopped to take a look at and stroll by the Huka Falls.

17th + 18th: Whitianga / Coromandel.
Taupo itself is wonderful. The town is pretty big, loads of shopping and the lake is massive! We met some locals:

And this next picture I believe is of 'Mount Doom' from Lord of the Rings. We sailed by on the way to look at some Maori rock carvings.

10th: Leaving Taupo and the rain behind, we headed for Naiper, stopping off to nose around Hastings too.

Both Hastings and Naiper have lovely Art Deco style buildings. This is due to an earthquake way back in the 30's which pretty much destroyed most of the buildings in the area. So the buildings were rebuilt in this style and they look beautiful. Here's hoping theres no more big earthquakes in this area for a long time.
11th - 15th: Arrived in Giborne today to meet our relatives! It was so great to see my great Uncle Dave and Great Aunt Sylvia and of course, Jessie their wonderful dog!
Had a great few days here. We went to see Captain Cook's monument and Young Nicks Statue.
Had a great few days here. We went to see Captain Cook's monument and Young Nicks Statue.

Erm. I don't have a lot to say about Whitianga. Nice little town. Pleasant surroundings. But I loved most of the Coromandel. Particularly walking on this beach:
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