Friday, March 26

WIP Wed Thurs Friday


I love 'em.

Here are the finished ones from the last WIP blog posts. These will go on to OOAK tomorrow morning.

Heres another in progress knit up in Noro Silk Garden. Yum!


Old paper has been torn up to be made into another recycled journal and buttons have been sewn onto hair snaps for myself.

P1250796     P1250797

In other news, OOAK are looking to interview UK crafters for their blog so do get in contact if you fancy a bit of free exposure.
Wednesday, March 17

WIP Wednesday


Seeing as I have a huge collection of buttons, i thought it best to use them for something! Although not entirely original, I've been making button hair slides which is actually quite addictive and good fun.


I was given a spark of inspiration from a friend of mine. She sewed buttons on to canvases in the shape of a heart in her friends favourite colours. Being a button maniac, i thought, why not cover a whole canvas in buttons?

Hot Treacle Neckerchief

I've been making neckerchiefs ready for this winter. I've got so much hand dyed yarn laying around, I thought i'd knit up a ball to see what it looks like. This yarn is called Hot Treacle :D

In other news, i've been beavering away working on with a friend of mine. Its a small collective of UK artisans selling their work in one place. It opens up for business this Saturday, so if you have time, i'd really appreciate you guys having look and giving any feedback!
Wednesday, March 10

Holy smokes! She posted something!

Well, its been a while, hasn’t it?

Apologies to everyone who follows and reads this blog. I am still making and in fact blogging, but have neglected The Crafty Tea Break for far too long.

Usually, this is where i’d type about what i’ve been doing and why I haven’t been blogging.

But i’m not going to do that.

Instead, i’m just going to post pictures and get right back to it!

Ps - Happy Belated 2010!

WIP KercheifButtons
Skinny Lace ScarfSkinny Lace Scarf

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